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Why Designers Hate Comic Sans

I hate Comic Sans

I hate Comic Sans

After discussing design details with a client last week, I was asked randomly, “So… What is it exactly that designers hate about Comic Sans? I happen to like it.” While the thought of her liking it made it hard to swallow, the question posed a serious thought for me – What exactly do I dislike about Comic Sans? I mean, come on, it’s just a font, right?!

The question not only caught me off guard, but also made it clear to me that I had no exact answer; Well at least not with a well prepared, thought-out one anyways. After leaving the meeting, I went home and the question lingered with me some more. Poor little font… What is it that I dislike about you?

To ease my pain, I decided to hop on Twitter and ask other designers the same question. Here’s what they had to say.

Why do you dislike Comic Sans?

In response to why clients like Comic Sans

Hmmm… but isn’t Helvetica overused?

With “overused” being used over in many of the above responses, I was wondering if you feel Helvetica is overused, and if so, why do you still like it? — I know I’m asking for trouble with this question!

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