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Durov writes in a post in his channal after celebrating his 33 years of age that giving up 7 things made me healthier and more useful:

2-Meat (though fish is good)
3-Any type of pill and medication (except what the dentist prescribes)
4-Nicotine and other addictive substances
5-Coffee, black tea and green tea, energy drinks (instead, I drink herbal teas)
6-Fast food, sugar, carbonated drinks
7-TV and so on

This successful young man in the field of technology elsewhere wrote:

Young people sometimes feel the need for a healthy life, but they are under the pressure of their community because they are told that "other than this kind of life is impossible" or that their behavior is considered "disrespectful to others." However, any impossible is possible. If you think your job is correct, ignore your surroundings.
Durov emphasized: a society that has made its traditions based on poisoning has no future.

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